Peri-implantitis – A new focus for its prevention and treatment

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This book aims to inform the clinician about new guidelines in the management of a pathology of increasing incidence; the peri-implantitis.
This assay provides a comprehensive discourse of essential prosthodontic aspects  and surface characteristics in the etiology and progression of the disease. This book presents the new concept of de-osseointegration that goes beyond the current alternatives for the treatment of peri-implantitis. The author provides a new paradigm to achieve an atraumatic and predictable treatment of peri-implantitis.

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Título Peri-implantitis - A new focus for its prevention and treatment

Eduardo Anitua Aldecoa

Año de edición 2014
Nº de páginas 193
Nº de ilustraciones 350

  1. The biological process of osseointegration
  2. Peri-implantitis: Current status and new treatment algorithm
  3. Biomechanics process of de-osseointegration
  4. Implant extraction kit
    - Components
    - Method
  5. Safety of counter-ratchet technique
  6. Treatment of the post-explantation socket
  7. Immediate implant replacement