Extraction socket treatment. A biological approach

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The post-extraction alveolus treatment is a common challenge for any dental professional. Preserving the original volume of the alveolus and preventing its collapse after a dental extraction is still a topic of interest, even more when the intention is to insert a dental implant in that area.

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This book presents a regenerative approach to the post-extraction alveolus based on the use of Endoret® (PRGF®) technology. This fully autologous technology enables us to take on the treatment of the post-extraction alveolus from a biological focus, achieving excellent results. The book also covers various relevant aspects such as the extraction technique and the intrinsic regenerative process of the alveolus, as well as the repercussion of this technology on more complex cases such as patients treated with bisphosphonates.

Book Details

Title Extraction socket treatment. A biological approach

Eduardo Anitua Aldecoa

Edition’s year 2017
Nº of pages 228
Nº of illustration 350

  1. Biological basis in the regeneration of the post-extraction alveolus
    - Molecular and cellular fundamentals of tissue repair: the legacy of evolution
    - The significance of tooth loss
    - Anatomy and physiology of the gingiva and the alveolar bone
    - Regeneration of the oral mucosa
    - Regeneration of the alveolar bone
  2. Plasma rich in growth factors
    - The role of platelets in tissue regeneration
    - Platelets and angiogenesis
    - What is PRGF?
    - Development of Endoret® (PRGF®)
    - Formulations of Endoret® (PRGF®)
    - Differences between Endoret® (PRGF®) and other platelet concentrates
  3. Evaluation prior to the exodontia
    - Medical history and management of medically-compromised patients
    - Antibiotic prophylaxis for dental extractions
  4. Use of Endoret® (PRGF®) in the extraction socket. Scientific evidence
    - Endoret® (PRGF®) in the extraction socket
    - Endoret® (PRGF®) in the treatment of the extraction socket: course of the research studies
    - Assessment of the hard and soft tissues regeneration, as well as the patients’ quality of life
  5. Endoret® (PRGF®) preparation
    - Protocol for obtaining Endoret® (PRGF®) for the treatment of extraction socket
    - Application of Endoret® (PRGF®) in to the extraction socket
  6. Bisphosphonates
  7. Endoret® (PRGF®) in the management and treatment of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ)
  8. Endoret® (PRGF®) and immediate implant placement after tooth extraction